Colours - Reisverslag uit Barcelona, Spanje van martina diehl - Colours - Reisverslag uit Barcelona, Spanje van martina diehl -


Door: Martina D.

Blijf op de hoogte en volg martina

16 Juli 2013 | Spanje, Barcelona

Well,here I am... I just spent 6 months in York, and am now enjoying sunshine, beach, food and drinks in Barcelona.

I arrived on Friday night a lot later than I'd expected because the plane was going to come in 10 min early (so just past 22.00), but decided to take longer anyway. This meant that we didn't land till 22.35 and then my suitcase took forever, and the bus took a century due to a traffic jam. It was then I knew I was in Barcelona, where time does not matter and everyone just lives as they go. Nice really :)
When I finally arrived, we went straight out for gin tonics (which is a really booming drink here, with lots of fruit flavours etc.), after which we went to a gaybar. They played Spanish mainly Spanish songs, including Shakira, among many others.
I met some of Jocelyn's friends here and they are obviously all really nice!

On Saturday we had a nice lunch at a vegetarian place and went from there to Holifest of Colours. It was an amazing little festival with colours everywhere, I felt like a living rainbow. and an Indian because we painted our faces like that. The music was good, they had vegetarian hotdogs (so processed, I know... but so tasty. I think these things are allowed on holidays). The people were all happy so the vibe was great, although many passed out before the end due to the hot weather and probably the excessive drinking of Vodka Redbull and the lack of drinking water.
All alcoholic drinks other than beer were sold out by 19.30 (the party went on till 22.00). Jocelyn said it's typically Spanish, hah. Wicked people!
So we danced, we powdered other people and every hour there would be a powder throwing countdown after which you couldn't see for at least 5 minutes because you were in a cloud of pink, green, blue, yellow, purple powder.
Needless to say, there wasn't much left of our white dresses. We gave them a wash and they have now turned pink! Nice new colour I reckon.
So we stayed there till about 21.00 and then decided to do some shopping with our lovely new outfits on, and our face covered in powder too. People stared, it was quite entertaining. "watching monkeys watching monkeys" I suppose. ;)
After that we went back, had some proper food and watched Harry Potter, because we can.
The next day we slept in a bit and Jocelyn had to work on the beach. We went there but the beach was really quiet so we didn't stay long... and off to Vilanova we went! By train, which was quite a nice little trip... We met up with some more friends which was nice and spent the afternoon lying on a real beach with soft sand and waves breaking as they hit the surface. We went swimming and I saw a few really large fish, now those who know me all know that I have a fishfobia, but guess what! I conquered the fear and embraced the fishies and just swam on. OK, I did go in a different direction than the fish, but still. I didn't run out like a crazy person. I was quite proud of me. :) One of them was really big, like miniature sharksized but... I'm pretty sure it was just a fish.
In the evening we had dinner at a mexican restaurant with tasty nachos and vegetarian wraps yumyum!! We stuffed our faces and felt incredibly full afterwards but it was so goooood! They also served really nice cocktails...
Then Jocelyn and I headed back and watched some Absolutely Fabulous.
Yesterday, Monday, we went to the beach yet again. By this time my legs were both different colours and my shoulders slightly burnt. I went for a quick cool swim and saw yet another fish. This one swam beneath me for quite some time, at which point I started to wonder if I attract fish. But no, we went to the slightly shallower area and the fish left us alone.
After the swim, and drying off... I was slightly more burnt. and after walking a full day, my legs did hurt from burning and from walking... but care!!! in 2 days they'll be tanned, and I'll have tanned legs for the first time ever! whehey! (oh yes, the burning is partly due to me not wearing strong sunscreen... reasons why? well, type it in on google, and things like this pop up :
also, due to the toxic ingredients it kills a lot of fish when you go swimming in the sea, and as that is what I've been doing quite a bit of, and have seen evidence that there are still fish around... I'd rather not. So I have been using other oils and lotions to keep my skin protected, which worked up till now but this sun is so strong!
Anyway, that's my environmental rant for now... Although I could go on with the amount of meat people eat here, the bull fights here, the disgusting things that are dumped in the ocean etcetc.
Vegetarianism is I think something which is finally making its way into Spain, I have seen numerous Vegan and Vegetarian Delis, Cafes and restaurants. Maybe not all equally tasty because there is still a lot to learn but hey, they're trying! Which is great :)

Anyway, so Monday... we had lunch at a lovely little vietnamese place, where I had vegetarian nem and rice noodles.
After that we strolled through town and went to a champagneria, where we had nice cheese and amazing Cava. There was a good balance between locals and tourists, and the atmosphere was nice.
We then went on to an Irish pub called George Payne (who he?), and sat down with some not too nice Sangria to relax and chill out for a bit. Then we slowly made our way to a Greek restaurant for dinner, so much food (and a beer)! For only 5 euros, quite amazing and really yummy.
Then we went back to Jocelyn's and got ready to partyyyy!!
We headed off to Apolo, (only one L because otherwise it would be pronounced Apojo). Possibly the biggest club in central Barcelona. It was really hectic but the music was good and the people were happy. Due to it being so crowded we didn't stay that long though, it was too much for the both of us so after about 2 hours we decided to head back. It had a bit of a Lowlands feel to it, but with better airco. Drinks were insanely expensive so we had most drinks before we got in, and just danced the night away.
And here I am, at Jocelyn's place, while she is working on the beach. I thought it wise not to go with her during the hottest time of the day to get sunburnt! I'm coloured enough as it is.

Tomorrow it is time to head back, and Barcelona has been lovely so far and will probably continue to be good to me till my leave.

Oh and here's a tip:
for anyone wanting to fly KLM, apply for a flying blue! This means you can take one large suitcase with you for free. Otherwise you have to pay 15 euros per flight. They sort of forget to mention this, anywhere. So it saves you at least 30 euros per person per flight! whehey!

Today's plans are a stroll 'round town, more nice food and what tonight brings... who knows!


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Verslag uit: Spanje, Barcelona


<3 music, horses, people, parties, traveling and life in general.

Actief sinds 17 Sept. 2008
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